On the whole, I try and keep to a nutritious, healthy diet. This page will be dedicated to recipes I’ve picked up along the way that have sustained me, thoughts on how to eat well on the road, as well as a few of the tasty dishes that have kept me going.
Fried tortillas snacks

One pot wonder: Curried red Lentils and rice
Although trickier to track down than their green brethren, red lentils are perfect camping fodder. They’re nutritious, rich in protein and cook quickly – soak them in water while you’re pitching the tent and they’ll be ready even faster. Red lentils go well with basmati rice, a high carb, slow burning whole grain.
Start by putting a pot of water on to boil.
Chop up some fresh ginger.
Chop up some fresh garlic.
Chop up an onion.
If you like extra spice, chop up a little jalepeno pepper too.
Chop up some carrots/sweet potatoes/brocolli, small so they cook quickly.
Throw all this into the pot. Yep, at the same time. While you’re at it, add in the lentils and rice – white basmati cooks quicker. Easy, huh?
Mix in some pre-prepared tumeric, coriander and cumin (equal parts), or a curry powder you’ve bought.
Sprinkle in some salt.
Potter about for 20 mins, stirring occasioally. Have a stretch. Blow up your mattress. Fluff up your sleeping bag. My trangia has a nice simmer control, so won’t flay dinner to a blackened crisp if I get distracted.
Serve and enjoy… After a long day in the saddle, there’s nothing to beat camping food!
Variations on a theme:
Make sure there’s extra liquid and mix in some cous cous at the end, and let it sit. If you chance upon some coconut milk, you can use two thirds milk/one third water for a lovely, rich flavour. Or even throw in some coconut milk powder you can find in health food shops. Similarly, I use red lentils to bulk up instant Thai Kitchen rice noodles – a lightweight, relatively healthy and flavoursome pre-prepared noodle soup, costing just a dollar each. While the water is boiling, I add the same combo – red lentils, onion and some sweet potato – mixing in the sachets too. When the vegetables are tender, add in the rice noodles for a couple of minutes.

‘Endorphin Adventures’
Vegan Powerbars
peanut butter
ground flax
chopped brazil nuts and walnuts
chia seeds (indigenous to South America…like
poppy seeds)
sesame seeds
oat/soy flour
agave syrup
chopped raisins
Mix ingredients, adding water until consistency is that of thick cookies dough. Bake in cake pan for 45 mins or so. Cut into squares and freeze until jet power needed!

James’ mix veg special
Chop up celery, onion, carrots, zucchini, garlic and some fire roasted red pepper (to fire roast, simply place directly on burner, for a sweet, charred, South Western flavour).
Saute in a touch of olive oil. Add in kale towards the end. Squeeze in the secret ingredient, lime juice, which adds acidity and brings out the vivid flavours of each vegetable – without the need to add fat or salt. Enjoy!