As I probably won’t get a chance to update the blog for a little, this mini-post is just to let you know the three of us are still alive and well. In fact, Neva is handling the roughest Nicaraguan tracks like a travelling veteran – having been towed in the back of a trailer since she was 6 months old, she has an enviable ability to drop straight off to sleep, blissfully unaware of the trailer tipping this way and that. When she’s awake and roaming, well, there’s no stopping her.
And in case anyone has been checking in on the SPOT, you needn’t. Unfortunately that got stolen on Day 2…
More soon.

Riding the hand-laid, paved road back to Moyogalpa, Volcan Maderas and Lago de Nicaragua in the background.

Cocooned. The mesh liner is good at keeping mosquitos out, and little children in. Sometimes, it seems like only the tent can contain Neva and her insatiable (and sometimes exhausting) appetite to roam...

Reaching the Pacific at Playa Gigante, after a long day in the saddle (and in the trailer). This is the first time I've swam in the Pacific Ocean since Oaxaca, Mexico, many months ago. And it felt good...
Great photo images and as always looking forward to the next one from you…
Sorry,but I had to laugh at the idea of someone stealing a Spot tracker. It wouldn’t exactly take a Sherlock Holmes to track down the thief….!
Best of luck to you all with the trip, it looks amazing. I’ve been sending links of this to friends with small kids to persuade them that you can still be adventurous and bring kiddies along (not that I’d know).
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Unfortunately, it wasn’t in tracking mode… That’s what I checked first.
The irony is that once it’s been de-activated, it’s of no use to anyone unless a new subscription is payed for, which is as much as the value of the unit.
Oh well. one less electronic gizmo…
oh that’s a shame about Spot! I was looking forward to watching you bounce along. . . Watch out for those Zambezi sharks – aren’t they nearby?