Lazyman’s Strawberry and Rhubard Pie

The Lazyman’s Strawberry and Rhubard Pie continues in a series of non-camping-related recipes. Except that a cyclist’s gotta eat, and it’s always good to have a few quick and tasty recipes up your sleeve; a perfect way to thank Warmshowers hosts and the like.

It’s so called because the crust (spelt, in this case, from Whole Foods) is ready made. Shame on us! And, because it’s super easy to throw together. But that’s ok, because it still tastes delicious, and you can bask in the knowledge that, relatively speaking, it’s not a refined sugar fest. Being in season right now, the strawberries and rhubarb make for a lovely splash of colour.

Warning: it can be kind of gloopy, and won’t win any serving awards. But you’ll forgive it once you take your first gulp.

What you need:

2 pounds/punnets of strawberries

2 rhubarbs

1 cup of date sugar

1 lemon

1 pie crust

What to do:

Preheat oven to 400F. Chop up strawberries and rhubarb, nice and small. Place in a bowl, mix with date sugar and lemon juice. Spoon mix into the pie crust. Cover with foil. Pop in the oven for 20 minutes. Remove the foil, reduce the heat to 350F, then pop back in for another 20 minutes. Allow to cool, then serve!


It’s that time of year: plump strawberries and fresh rhubarb a plenty.

Chop strawberries. Done.

Chop strawberries. Done.

Chop rhubarb. Done.

Chop rhubarb. Done.

Mix in the date sugar.

Mix in the date sugar.

Squeeze in a lemon.

Squeeze in a lemon. (get that pip!)

Give it a good stir, then spoon out into crust.

Give it all a good stir, then spoon into crust.

All set.

All set.

Into the oven.

Into the oven it goes. 20 mins at 400F, then 20 mins at 350F, with the foil removed.

And hey presto. Allow to cool, then devour.

And hey presto. Allow to cool, then devour.

6 thoughts on “Lazyman’s Strawberry and Rhubard Pie

    1. Cass Gilbert Post author

      Less, I think, depending on the sugar. Date sugar has 3g of sugar per tea spoon. Looking online, regular sugar has 4-8g. So maybe 1/2 to 2/3rds of a cup.

      1. Kellie Stapleton

        Hey Cass? 2 pints strawberries, I’m assuming you mean “dry pints,” not fluid. Which brings me to the conversion into ounces. 1 UK pint is 20 oz. so, like 1-3/4 cups strawberries. Can you tell I’m not a cook? (-:

        Ps- like the devour part!

        1. Cass Gilbert Post author

          Having just been into Whole Foods, it seems a pint is 1lb. I thought that’s what those containers were called in the US. In the UK, they’d be punnets. So, about a couple of pounds, give or take!

  1. Susie Moberly

    Mmmm… ‘gloopy’ or not… Cass… it looks delicious and I’ll definitely try this next time I see rhubarb in the market, Strawberries are always in season. It’s very hot here in Chiang Mai. I’m melting! It’s Visakha Bucha Day today and a Buddhist Holiday to commemorate the Lord Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and death. Tonight many people in Chiang Mai will walk up to Doi Suthep which is directly above our house… hope all is well with your new family and life! All sounds GOOD! Huge hug X


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